We faced a lot of terrible things in the past because of covid-19, some one lost their relatives ,some people even got infectious theirselves ,their company and business had to led to bankrupt in the last year’ financial crisis.We experienced the first wave in April and second wave in December ,at the same time the second one still continues ,In addition the mutant virus also threats us.
We have got many experiences from the battle process in the last year,and all we know the irreplaceable role of face masks.Face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus and the Alcohol wipes are also the necessary tool for killing covid-19
Even though we’ve been in the COVID-19 pandemic for a year now, disinfectant wipes may still be difficult to come by. Well-known brands such as Clorox and Lysol are still wiped clean from many store shelves, so the face mask.
So there is a huge opportunity here for businessman who want to dedicate to the charity.Through production of the high quality low price masks and alcohol wipes you can achieve this goal. And here we can help you to save production cost ,so that you can combine your business and charity successfully.
Generally there are three types of masks for against covid-19 : surgical ,N95 and cloth masks. Fortunately our Glue Machines can play a role in the production process of the first two types- surgical masks and N95 masks.
Application 1: 2L Hot Melt Glue Machine for Mask Strip
Application 2: Hot melt glue coating machine for N95 mask nose strip
Applicatio3: Box sealing machine for mask box
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